The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Using Natural Deodorant

Are you or, have you considered making the switch to a natural deodorant? Switching to natural deodorant can be a game-changer for both your health and the environment. With growing awareness of the potential harms of conventional deodorants, more people are making the switch to natural alternatives. However, transitioning isn't always as smooth as we'd like, and many find themselves facing unexpected challenges. In this blog post, we'll dive into the top five mistakes people make when using natural deodorant, de-mystify the experience and provide some practical solutions to ensure your journey to a more natural lifestyle is as seamless as possible. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to fresh pits and peace of mind - the Green Theory way! Let’s jump right into it.

Natural Deodorant Mistake #1: Not Allowing for a Detox Period

This applies to anyone switching from a conventional deodorant but, more specifically, those switching from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant. To review quickly, there is a difference between antiperspirants and deodorants (natural or not). Antiperspirants contain aluminum which is terrible for you while deodorants do not. Antiperspirants work by clogging sweat pores so you sweat less. While this sounds great and it does keep you drier, sweat isn't what stinks - bacteria feeding off of the components of sweat is what does. Just because you might sweat less doesn't mean you'll stink any less. Additionally, sweating is our body's natural mechanism for detoxing itself and by clogging up your sweat pores, you're keeping those toxins in the skin which can cause all types of health issues down the road. 

If you’re making the switch from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant, your body needs to flush out all that aluminum. This process is often accompanied by an increase in perspiration during this time period. This process can be expedited through the use of an underarm detox but with Green Theory natural deodorant, we already have you covered by including detoxifying bentonite clay in all our deodorants. It’s not just useful for the detox stage of making the switch but for every day. 

Even if you’re not coming off an antiperspirant, there is still an adjustment period that needs to take place. This is true even if you’re simply switching from one natural deodorant to another. Each deodorant has a unique formula and that comes with its own pH level. Any time you switch deodorant, it will take a few days to a week for that pH to balance out again. Read the reviews on any natural deodorant out there and you’ll see tons of people leaving bad reviews because it didn't meet their expectations immediately - this is unfair, regardless of the brand you choose. Be patient when making the switch.

Natural Deodorant Mistake #2 - Apply Deodorant to Wet Skin

This one is simple - natural deodorants are made from a bland of natural oil, waxes and butters, none of which go well with water. If you apply your deodorant right out of the shower with wet underarms, the deodorant will struggle to bond to your skin. This leads to ineffectiveness and likely, deodorant oil stains on your clothing because all that oil is going to soak in somewhere. Do your absolute best to apply deodorant to dry underarms.

While we are on the topic of applying deodorant, you may not know that the best time to apply deodorant is actually at night. Assuming you’ve applied to it to dry underarms, by applying deodorant at night you give the deodorant time to absorb into the skin and start working at a lower body temperature (our bodies actually cool in the early parts of sleep). This once once you wake up and start moving around, your deodorant is completely positioned to do its job in the most effective way possible. Give it a try - it’s true whether you use natural or conventional deodorant. 

Natural Deodorant Mistake #3 - Applying Too Much Product

This might be the most common mistake out there. When it comes to natural deodorant, less is more. It’s true. Don’t ask questions, just trust us. There’s a stigma that comes with natural products that suggest that while they are more healthy than their conventional counterparts, they’re also less effective and as such, you must apply more to get the job done. This is false. The 13 swipes you insist upon making to make sure you got enough on are unnecessary. Four good, full-range swipes will get the job done. Once you start caking product on you’re asking for clothing stains and sticky armpits. If you’re OK with these, swipe away but it truly isn't necessary. 

Natural Deodorant Mistake #4 - Not Reapplying When Needed

Let’s face it, there are no deodorants that will work 100% of the time in every situation. Sometimes, you just need to reapply. Weirdly though, people sometimes write off their new natural deodorant as ineffective because they needed to reapply and that's just nonsense. Yes, the expectation should be that your deodorant holds up under most situations. You should have the confidence that it will do its job when you need it to, especially if there isn’t a bunch of physical activity associated. If it’s hot out or you’re going to be doing a lot of sweating, be prepared to reapply if needed. It’s ok. Pack an extra stick in your gym bag or locker and give yourself the opportunity to be prepared when needed. Most of the time you probably won’t need it but its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, right?

Natural Deodorant Mistake #5 - Ignoring Skin Reactions and Sensitivities

This one won't apply to everyone but if it is you, listen to your body. While natural deodorants are much better for both your skin and overall health, there are certain ingredients that may not be good for everyone. 

The biggest perpetrator here is usually baking soda. While it is the best odor eliminating ingredient there is, it can cause irritation in some individuals with sensitive skin. This can range from things like occasional itching, redness and bumps to a full-on rash with all of the previous mentioned symptoms. If you start experiencing these symptoms when using natural deodorant, first review the ingredients list and make sure there isn’t something in the product you’re allergic to - optimally you’d do this before purchasing but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t look into the ingredients at all. Maybe this is why so many “natural” deodorant companies get away with “green washing” their products as being natural yet contain some synthetic ingredients. Anyways, make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients. If you’re not, baking soda is probably to blame - assuming there is baking soda in the ingredients. At Green Theory Naturals, we do use minimal baking soda in our deodorants except for Mojito which is baking soda free and contains zinc oxide and magnesium hydroxide. We offer a promise that if you experience any discomfort from any of our baking soda deodorants, just let us know and we will send you a stick of Mojito absolutely free, no questions asked. 

If the company you choose to go with does not offer a baking soda free version, you’ll likely need to find one that does. Please do not continue using a product that is causing skin irritation and expect it to go away - it won't. Just cut your losses with that brand and find another one. 

In conclusion, while making the switch to natural deodorant can come with its own set of challenges, understanding and avoiding these common mistakes can help ensure a smoother and more effective transition. Remember to give your body time to detox, apply deodorant on dry skin, use the right amount, reapply as needed, and pay attention to your skin’s reactions. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the numerous benefits of natural deodorants.

Ready to make the switch? Try Green Theory Naturals deodorants for a fresh, healthy, and eco-friendly alternative. As a special offer for first-time customers, enjoy 20% off your purchase with the discount code GTSWITCH20. Visit our website and discover the perfect natural deodorant for you. Start your journey to a healthier lifestyle today!

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