Does Probiotic Skin Care Work?

woman applying skin care product to face

Thanks to the more recent developments regarding the power and health benefits of probiotics, we’ve seen a significant movement towards incorporating these new forms of bacteria into our lives. We’re now willfully swigging down billions of tiny new friends and acquainting them with our existing gut bacteria through fizzy beverages like kombucha or kefir. These probiotics help with aspects of our health too numerous to mention in this blog post but in general, digestion, autoimmune disease, mental health, and vitality. These health benefits have in turn, contributed to a reach of probiotics beyond the internal to external uses as well in particular, skin care. The question then becomes “does probiotic skin care work?” and “is probiotic skin care worth it?” In this short blog, we aim to answer those questions and spur further research of your own as well as to potentially kickstart your probiotic skin care.

Before we can answer the above questions, it’s important to understand how or why probiotics could even be a relevant factor for skin care in the first place. To start, I want you to imagine the lining of our digestive system - in effect, this lining is essentially the barrier between what is inside and what is outside of the body. 

Even though we have ingested something, while it may seem to be on the “inside” of us, it resides within a canal and only once it has been absorbed through the intestinal lining does it actually become a part of our body - until then it is still on the “outside”. You can conceivably extend this internal “skin” layer outside of the mouth to what we would traditionally refer to as our skin. Both surfaces have the same job, that is to protect us from the unwanted on the outside and not allow it to get into to the inside. A major factor for both surfaces is bacteria. We are in fact, more bacteria than we are human as there are far more bacteria on and in our body than there are cells of us. The bacteria have us beat 10 to 1. Our inner elbow just by itself contains at least six different types of bacteria and even after washing with soap and water, still contains over a million bacteria per square centimeter. It is this washing that becomes the source of the benefit of probiotic skin care and probiotic skin care products.

We live in a culture that strongly emphasizes being clean and against bacteria which, hey, smelling foul isn’t exactly a sign of health in the first place and being “clean” certainly does come with some health benefits like, not dying from infection. However, we have taken being clean a little too far, whereas the variety and amount of bacteria present on us has been concentrated down to what is likely an unhealthy level. 

Healthy, radiant, good looking skin requires bacteria as it serves as a protective layer against outside invaders that cause things like odors, inflammation, damage from free-radicals, acne and redness among others. The imbalances of bacteria that we have created have led to unhealthy, dry skin, stripped of its natural oils. This issue tends to become more exacerbated in the winter when our skin craves moisture. We are now more prone to experience the itchiness, redness, inflamed skin that we don’t desire in exchange for being “clean”. Can we have our cake and eat it too? Yes. I believe we can.

By adding probiotics to our skin care routine, we are restoring the natural balance of bacteria that need to exist in order for us to have healthy skin. No longer does one (or a few) type of bacteria reign supreme on our skin, just as internal probiotics create the same checks and balances in the gut. Inflammation, redness and dry skin fade away to become a thing of the past. 

So which products might one utilize to add probiotics to their skin care routine? A quick Amazon search of “probiotic skin care” turns up over four thousand listings. These products can help your skin look its best, year round.

From the odor side of things, try a probiotic deodorant such as our Green Theory natural probiotic deodorant. Probiotic deodorants work on the premise that your body has certain types of bacteria that when they feed on your sweat, they produce what are called “thioalcohols”. These alcohols are what we know as body odor. By adding a probiotic deodorant such as Green Theory to the underarms, you’re introducing ten strains of bacteria to the environment that do not produce thioalcohols. These good bacteria compete for living space with the bad, odor producing bacteria making it a less friendly place for them to live. With 100% all natural ingredients, it’s fresh pits and peace of mind you can count on. As an extra bonus, we include bentonite clay in our deodorant that reverses its electrical charge when it comes into contact with moisture and attracts toxins, pulling them out of the body. You get a daily detox each day just by wearing deodorant, unlike those commercial deodorants and antiperspirants that have aluminum in them and make you sick!

As a special offer for reading this article, you can get 15% off your Green Theory deodorant purchase today with code: GTPROBIOTICS at checkout!

Have you tried probiotic skin care? How about Green Theory natural probiotic deodorant? What are your thoughts? Share your experiences and the products you love in the comments below!


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