Customer Spotlight: Tavaivaham
At Green Theory, we love our customers! They come from all over the world with so many divierse backgrounds. It has been an amazing experience to touch base with many of them through this journey we share together. Our aim is to shed some light on our many users and hopefully connect them to you. This months customer spotlight focuses on Tavaivahem. Take it away, my friend!
How did you hear about Green Theory?
About two months ago, while sitting with a group of students just prior to meditation, a discussion about essential oils began. Many in the class were excited to share how the natural fragrance of essential oils helped them remain focused and uplifted during the practice of meditation. One of the students remarked that during her vinyasa yoga class, she liked to wear Green Theory deodorant because of their natural ingredients and use of essential oils.
Following the discussion with my students, I researched Green Theory and found a forward thinking mission along with a well designed and completely natural line of deodorants which even include probiotics. I am glad to have found a deodorant I can use and a business model I can believe in.
What was your first impression when you tried it?
Whenever I use hygienic products, I intuitively sense how natural, or how chemically altered they are. When I made my first purchase, I chose Thunderstruck (One of the many scents), because it contained sandalwood, an essential oil used for millennia.
When I applied it, I was refreshed by the its natural feel, and uplifted by the powerful yet subtle aromatic combination used in the stick.
Favorite Green Theory Scent?
Narrowing my favorite scent down to just was is difficult if not impossible. However, if I am going to narrow it down, I’ll say this- When I am active, I enjoy wearing Thunderstruck for its bold and long lasting aroma. During social hour, I’ll change it up by applying Kama which uses a designer fragrance oil styled after Ed Hardy.
Why is using natural products important to you?
As a yogic practitioner, I aspire to live in the natural flow of life. This means knowing I am just as much a part of nature as nature is a part of me.
Using unnatural products and chemical combinations harms both my body as well as the body of nature.
Green Theory has created a line of natural products which are both healthy for your body and for the environment which we all love and cherish so much.
Let’s get to know you. What’s your home state and what do you do for a living?
Living in Oregon, I work as a sushi chef and teach the fine art of mediation.
What else do you do to keep yourself busy?
Currently I am working on a business which provides empowering events for both locals and those visiting Bend, Oregon. I desire to integrate both my love for nature and my desire to raise the consciousness of others into uplifting experiences where people can connect with the environment, others around them, and themselves.
Most amazing life experience?
In June of 2013, I had my first willful out-of body experience. Since then, my life has never been the same. Prior to that experience, I didn’t believe in the power of meditation, nor did I have interest in things beyond my five senses.
What are your favorite hobbies?
When I have a free day, I love a long hike alongside the river in the beautiful woods of Central Oregon. At the end of my hike, I’ll find a nice spot to sit for meditation. Closing my eyes, I shift my awareness to the level of the heart and feel as though I am one with nature.
Additionally, I enjoy speaking at open mics on the meaning of yoga and the transformation which can occur therein.
Do you have any hidden talents or weird facts about yourself you can share?
I can levitate… In my mind. =)
Here's your opprtunity for some shameless self promotion; what else would you like the wide world of the internet to know about you?
After I began consciously inducing out-of body experiences in 2013, my life was never the same. Learning to enter sleep fully conscious, I would then go on to activate my chakras and ultimately have what is known as a kundalini rising experience.
During these periods of trance, I would have remarkable visions which I would immediately record following the experience.
The essence of what I gained during those transcendental years has been summarized into one powerful practice called the yoga of fire. It is the most experiential, practical, and effective method of meditation both myself and my students have engaged in. The book, ‘The Yoga of Fire’, can be ordered on Amazon as both an ebook and a paperback.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
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